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REQUIREMENTS1. TAKE QUIZZES, DO BOTH IN-CLASS AND HOMEWORK*ASSIGNMENTS (online).2. ATTEND CLASS regularly.Attendancerate 80% or higher required. Excessive absences (missing morethan20% of class time) may be cause for repetition of the course.3. TAKE quizzes, 1 midterm exam and 1 final exam. *Assignment due dates are subject to change with fair notice.

COURSE OBJECTIVESThe student should, at the end of the semester, be able to: develop four Japanese language skills (listening, speaking, reading,andwriting) in three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive,and presentational).Listening/Aural Comprehension & Oral ProductionA. respond to teacher's and classmates' simple questions;B. respond to simple requests and commands;C. give short answers to yes/no and information questions;D. repeat, at least, a 6-word sentence after a model;E. ask simple questions;F. ask information questions with complete sentence;G. relate Hiragana and Katakana characters to sounds;Reading/RecodingH. read everything that he or she produces;WritingI. form correctly all the characters and combinations ofcharactersin Hiragana and Katakana;J. recognize approx. 50 Kanji(Chinese characters) introduced duringthe semester;K. punctuate a sentence correctly; that is, the sentence-end mark ora small circle (the equivalent of a period in English), and use commawhereappropriate in the sentence structures presented;L. write dictation based on oral work and reading materials;M. relate sounds to phonological spelling in Hiragana and Katakana, andwrite them correctly;Special Skills N. read a calendar;use standard polite expressions, including greetings, leave-takings,and introductions (L1); O. ask about, read, and tell prices for food, clothing, postage, andothernecessities;order food in a restaurant (L2); P. provide basic information about self and family membersverballyand in simple writing (name, age, address, telephone number, etc.); about daily activities and customs; extend invitations;accept and refuse invitations (L3);R. ask and tell time;ask and answer where things are; talk about things and habitual eventsthat happened in the past (L4); S. make offers and invitations (L5), make requests, ask for andgive permission, offer help, give reasons for doing something (L6);VocabularyT. master 450 essential vocabulary words introduced in the course.

Miss Teacher Full Movie 720p Online


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